With Rachel Boyd & Joey Boyd

Big Giant Book Podcast

Musical storytelling podcast for children featuring all original tales and tunes

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Recent Episodes

What happens to a sandcastle when the builders have gone home for bed? In this magical bedtime story, a mermaid adds her own touch to the castle. Snuggle in for a relaxing mermaid tail - er, tale!

The bumblebees in the Sweet Creek Kingdom are all SO excited to race the fairies at the mossy tree stump. All, that is, except for one little bumble named Bonnie. She'd rather spend some time alone!

Meet Rachel and Joey


Hi! I’m Rachel and I write and narrate the stories for Big Giant Book. 

Writing has always been one of my favorite ways to play. Creating a new story for Big Giant Book each week has given my inner child some major joy!

I’m a Big Giant believer in a playful, experiential, connection-driven childhood. I respect the innate and individual drive for learning that all children possess

I hope these stories are satisfying, comfy, fun, and speak to the spirit of childhood! 



Hey ya’ll, I’m Joey and I write and perform all the music for Big Giant Book.

As a child, I was always thumping and tapping out beats on my desk. I just love finding music everywhere and have always gravitated toward all things rhythmic. 

Working with children, I’ve always appreciated their connection to music and their playful approach to musicality. It’s innate and I think we all still have that within us, no matter how old we are. Music is for everyone and I think everyone is a bit of a musician at heart!


We're glad you're here!

How did this Big Giant story start?

We decided to launch Big Giant Book as a way to share our original stories and music for children through an accessible and convenient platform. Rachel loves writing stories, Joey loves making music, and we both have a background in working with children and families.

After reading our son’s favorite stories and listening to his favorite songs over and over and over again, we know how important it is to easily connect to content that is engaging and fun for the whole family - and we aim to provide that for you!

We hope you pop on a Big Giant Book episode during playtime, snooze time, car rides -anytime!